Does Ryde offer memberships?
Depending on our partners requirements, we can provide pay as you go, day passes, monthly and annual memberships. Additionally, we offer discounted memberships as a way to serve specific demographics (e.g. students, low-income, or seniors).
How do I reserve a Ryde e-bike or e-scooter?
Our application enables bookings greater than 24 hours in advance. Once in the app, a rider will be able to select a location to pick up a bike and confirm the duration of the ride. Once confirmed, the rider will scan the QR code on the reserve bike to unlock the bike and the user will be able to ride during their selected duration.
What do I do if a Ryde e-bike or e-scooter needs repairing?
Riders can report safety or maintenance issues through the customer service number listed on the bike or the mobile app. Once reported, bikes will be de-activated and not appear in-app and will be unavailable for rental by another user. Our fleet staff will receive a notification of the reported safety or maintenance issue, pick up the bike that day and service the bike before redeployment.